Points of the compass



Many years ago, in a rural part of England, a printer decided to publish a paper in which he would write about events and items of interest concerning the people living there.

He employed a young journalist to visit the local inhabitants and to get as much interesting copy as possible in order to sell his paper.

The young man was keen to do a good job so he asked the printer for advice on how to develop a calling plan to get the best return for time spent on the road.

It was suggested that he travel a few miles North, spend time visiting people and gathering the required information, then zig zag from East to West, and then finally head back South to base.

The journalist followed instruction, travelled on horse-back, and after a few days was back with some really good copy. The printer was pleased with what he had received.

His problem now was what to call his paper.

Looking down on his desk where the reports had been placed, his eyes fell on the journalist’s folder where the young man had written N E W S to remind himself about the calling plan.

“That’s it! I will call it my News Paper”.

I use this illustration whenever I train sales people on how to canvass their territory and to be more focused in so doing. It works well for estate agents and insurance consultants etc.

Whether you are a speaker, trainer or preacher, use this story wherever it fits and enjoy.

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